Jordan is 19, 6 feet tall and full of sexy beardedness. Despite the fact that he's tall, slim and plays guitar he does not have a girlfriend. He lacks self confidence and often worries that he will never amount to anything. He is incapable of finding a job and therefore cannot pay the rent, nor can he afford to go to college. Though he is very intelligent, he cannot manage his own life and will often forget to do important tasks or lose important things. This often results in him curling up in a ball and weeping. Hobbies include: Playing pokemon, guitar, being a vegetarian and improvisational acting.
Taylor is also 19, 6ft. tall and has all the luck of
Charlie Brown. Taylor works to pay the rent while going
to college and often makes Jordan feel inferior. Unlike Jordan, Taylor has a firm grip on reality, though he sometimes chooses to ignore that for a laugh. He is a charming young man, though a bit over weight, and he is generally pleasant to be around. At first glance you may think he's a nice guy,
but it is best to stay on his good side. He has low tolerance for idiots and he's been known to have a bad temper. He deals with him temper through sarcasm and playing ukulele. His hobbies include: Hiking, playing the ukulele, improv, wearing a fire crystal and writing.
Michael is a high school friend of Jordan and Taylor and is into writing house music. He's also a total starwars nerd, and puts a bag over his head with bobafett's mask drawn on it. He also has a comic http://disproportionatevociferation.blogspot.com/ about his adventures. He is an eagle scout so he enjoys outdoorsy stuff, as well as wearing suits and drawing, Tron, bacon, Batman, Star Wars, and girls who appreciate his humor. He is very opinionated and always prepared.
Nick graduated with Taylor and Jordan and goes to the same college as Taylor. He enjoys playing football, energy drinks, frozen pizza and psychology. Ya know, guy stuff. When he's not being a manly man he spends his time contemplating the universe and writing songs. He, unlike Jordan or Taylor, has had several girlfriends over the years and is always in the middle of some drama.